Thursday, March 31, 2011

Eel transcriptome sequencing.


EeelBase reports results of the first European eel transcriptome sequencing and analysis. EeelBase entries are centred on contig sequence and annotation. The database is searchable by contig ID, key words and BLAST.

310,079 reads obtained by 454 FLX Titanium sequencing of a normalized cDNA library of 18 glass eels were assembled in 19,631 contigs (at least 200 nucleotides long and with average sequence quality not less than 30), representing bona fide individual transcripts. The 36% of contigs are annotated by similarity with at least one known sequence in UniProt or nr database; About two thirds of annotated contigs are associated to GO terms functional information; Contig sequences are aligned "on the fly" by UCSC Blat to Zebrafish and Stickleback genomes.

Database entry description. For each contig, a gene-like entry reports the following data sections:
Contig information (ID, description and FASTA sequence)
Assembly (reads and ACE multiple alignment)
Functional annotation (GO terms)
Zebrafish genome match in the UCSC Genome Browser
Stickleback genome match in the UCSC Genome Browser
BLAST results (BLASTX againnst nr and UniProt/SwissProt, BLASTN against nt)): Description and Alignments
Putative miRNAs, linked to miRBase

The database is searchable by keywords or BLAST against contig sequences; massive and customized data retrival is allowed by the query system.

EeelBase is open project developed by the Computational Genomics Laboratory University of Padova.
It is intended to be a public and expandable resource provided to the scientific community. It is the first acquirement of Anguilla Genomics Consortium (AGC). Current AGC partners are:

University of Padova, Italy (Lorenzo Zane)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium (Gregory Maes)
University of Laval, Canada (Louis Bernatchez)
Aarhus University Denmark (Michael M. Hansen)
New data contributions are welcome.

Please cite:Sequencing, de novo annotation and analysis of the first Anguilla anguilla transcriptome: EeelBase opens new perspectives for the study of the critically endangered European eel. Alessandro Coppe, Jose Martin Pujolar, Gregory E Maes, Peter F Larsen, Michael M Hansen, Louis Bernatchez, Lorenzo Zane, Stefania Bortoluzzi BMC Genomics 2010, 11:635

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Google 翻譯...

Correlation between lipid content and gene (PPARs, RXRalpha as well as EDF-1) expression levels in muscle tissues of Anguilla japonica, a primitive vertebrate


PPARgamma is essential for the lipogenesis; RXRs obligate heterodimer partner with PPARs to help coordinate energy balance; EDF-1 is a cofactor for PPARgamma regulating lipid metabolism. Eels (Anguilla spp.), a primitive vertebrate, accumulate lipids exceed 20% in its muscle tissue in which adiopocytes are found. We studied these factors on lipid synthesis in the growing eels. PPARs, RXRalpha, and EDF-1 have been partially cloned, expression levels of these genes in muscle tissues were tested by RT-PCR, muscle lipid content was followed. Our results indicated that there was a significant correlation between lipid content and PPARgamma, or two forms of RXRalpha while it was found between lipid content and that of EDF-1, fatty acid elongase, or the other PPARs. Furthermore, a positive correlation was also showed between RXRalpha and PPARgamma only. Expression of fatty acid elongase was correlated with PPARgamma and RXRalpha but not with EDF-1. Our data implied a conserved role of PPARgamma, RXRalpha, and EDF-1 on the lipid synthesis from a primitive vertebrate.

Google 翻譯 (
PPARgamma是必不可少的脂肪生成; RXRs責成 PPARs的合作夥伴,幫助協調能量平衡;法國電力公司- 1是一種輔助因子 PPARgamma調節脂質代謝。鰻魚(白鰻屬。),一種原始的脊椎動物,積累脂肪超過20%,肌肉組織adiopocytes被發現。我們研究了這些因素對脂質合成在不斷增長的鰻魚。 PPARs的RXRalpha和EDF- 1已部分克隆,這些基因的表達水平進行了測試,肌肉組織,用RT- PCR檢測,肌肉脂肪含量其次我們的研究結果表明,有顯著的相關性脂肪含量和PPARgamma兩種形式的RXRalpha雖然被發現之間的脂肪含量,而法國電力公司- 1,脂肪酸延長或其他PPARs的激活此外,也顯示正相關關係 RXRalphaPPARgamma只。脂肪酸延長表達呈正相關,但 PPARgamma和RXRalpha與 EDF- 1。我們的數據暗示作用PPARgamma保守RXRalpha和EDF- 1對脂質合成一種原始的脊椎動物
PPARgamma 是脂肪生成必不可缺少的; RXRs必須要和 PPARs結合成異雙元體以幫助協調能量平衡; EDF- 1是一種輔助 PPARgamma調節脂質代謝的因子。鰻魚(白鰻屬),一種原始的脊椎動物,其肌肉組織(脂肪細胞在其中)積累脂肪超過20%。在生長鰻魚中我們研究這些因子對脂質合成的關連。 PPARs,RXRalpha,和 EDF- 1片段被選殖出,這些基因的表達水平用RT- PCR進行測試,肌肉組織中的脂肪含量也被測量。我們的研究結果表明,脂肪含量和PPARgamma,或兩種形式的RXRalpha 有顯著的相關性 ,而脂肪含量和 EDF- 1,脂肪酸延長脢,或其他的PPARs沒有顯著的相關性。此外, RXRalpha只和PPARgamma有正相關關係。脂肪酸延長脢與 PPARgamma和RXRalpha表達呈正相關,但不與 EDF- 1相關。我們的結果暗示作用PPARgamma,RXRalpha,和EDF- 1對脂質合的保守作用始於原始的脊椎動物。

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Human nature

普羅米修斯 (Prometheus),溺愛人類,認為火種是那麼有用而美好。火種可以煮飯、烤魚、烤肉,可以溫暖房間,可以使黑夜變成白天,把火種從奧林匹亞天庭偷到人間來,他拿來一根又粗又長的茴香稈,扛著它走近馳來的太陽車,將茴香稈伸到它的火焰裡點燃,然後帶著閃爍的火種回到地上,很快第一堆木柴燃燒起來,火越燒越旺。有一天當宙斯看到人間吹煙裊裊,非常的震驚,他下令要撲滅火種,但為時已晚。人類已走上了不歸路。星星之火已經燎原。

核能是火種從上天偷來的  人類注定受老鷹啄肝的命運  一代接一代...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011



日本人的口頭禪就是: [私は邪魔してすみません(對不起 !打擾了)] ,干擾別人 (團體)是日本人的大忌,  單個日本人是"人" ,一群日本人就是"非人"

所以公開流露自己的悲傷是干擾別人 (團體),  這幾天零星的畫面可發現日本人也是有情緒的, 特別是單獨一個人...
日本人就是 "ㄍㄥ"  從日本的能劇 (Noh)可見一斑
“能”最重要的特征就是其表演的程式化、象征性。表演者的舞蹈動作含蓄、緩慢,動作被縮減了最低限度,每個細微的變化都有著特定的含義,因而又被稱為“靜態舞蹈”。如演員將手放在前面,下顎微微下沈或上仰是表示劇中人物悲傷或喜悅的心情,比京劇的敲鑼打鼓,還寫意 不過我看來就是壓抑到不行 隨時有要爆開的張力...
不用擔心日本 她會再爬起來 但對罹難者哀悼
天地不仁以萬物芻狗】 人也是萬物之一 退回這一點 生生滅滅 回歸自然

Thursday, March 10, 2011


雲林工廠惡火 500坪燒精光

2011/03/07 11:30 綜合報導     地區:雲林縣報導

Saturday, March 05, 2011



於是回頭跟妻子說:「春天曬太陽的溫暖,非常舒服,沒有人知道;我想把這個方法獻給 國 君,一定可以得到重賞。」


貓說: 我們貓族很早就知道"負日之暄"  北部的貓現在曬不到春陽...喵!

Friday, March 04, 2011

肥滋滋的問題 (二)

After a long painful work, finally we see the cells derived from eel’s visceral l fat pad (it is only found in the eel with a body size below 15 gram) producing lipids in its cytosol, the lipid droplets are stained by Oil Red O.
經過長期痛苦的工作,終於我們看到了從鰻魚內臟脂肪墊增殖分化而來的細胞(這是只見於鰻魚體型低於 15克)在其細胞質生產脂肪滴以Oil Red O染成紅色

The potential of this work is to study the regulation of lipogenesis or adipogenesis in the eel, a primitive vertebrate. More importantly, this would be helpful to study eel adipokines, to reach the possible mechanisms on energy deposits to trigger or affect reproduction.

by normal reverse microscopy (x100)

by phase contrast reverse microscpoy(x100)